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Hey there,
I'm Erin Coupe.

I’m a former corporate executive who turned a journey of stress into a life of purpose. With over 17 years of experience and deep studies in neuroscience, I help others lead authentically and thrive. In my free time, I enjoy time with my family, running, Pilates, and cooking!

Episode 3: Exposing Bad Behavior: Standing up to Disingenuous Leadership

Writer's picture: Erin CoupeErin Coupe

Ep 3 The Erin Coupe Podcast

In this third episode, Erin delves into her experience with toxic leadership while working on Wall Street, examining the damaging effects of fear-based, disingenuous leadership. She contrasts this with modern leadership qualities that focus on empathy, clear communication, and emotional intelligence. Erin offers listeners practical ways to identify toxic leadership traits, take action to protect themselves, and make informed decisions to create a healthier work environment that aligns with their values.

This episode is for anyone who has ever experienced the tension between staying in a toxic environment and honoring their values. Whether you’re a leader striving to adopt modern leadership practices or someone looking to make healthier career decisions, I hope it leaves you feeling empowered to choose authenticity over fear.

Show Notes:

  • Personal Story of Toxic Leadership: Erin recalls her time at Goldman Sachs, where she was mistreated by a manager who led with fear, insecurity, and intimidation. Despite her efforts to win her boss's approval, Erin experienced chronic stress and anxiety due to this leadership style.

  • Old-School vs. Modern Leadership: Erin contrasts the old-school, authoritative leadership she encountered with modern leadership that values clear communication, empathy, and building authentic relationships. Compassionate leaders foster loyalty and creativity, while fear-based leadership only drives employees away.

  • Identifying Red Flags of Disingenuous Leaders:

-Mismatch Between Words and Actions

-Intimidation Tactics

-Unwillingness to Have Open Conversations

-Lack of Genuine Connection

  • Closing Thoughts: Erin encourages listeners to prioritize their authenticity, self-respect, and well-being over conforming to a toxic work environment.

Key Takeaways for Listeners:

1. Recognize Red Flags: Trust your intuition if something feels off with a leader. Disingenuous leaders often say one thing but act differently, rely on intimidation, avoid transparency, and fail to build genuine relationships.

2. Stand Up for Yourself: Advocate for yourself when mistreated, and challenge disingenuous behavior. Asking questions and confronting issues head-on can help you assess the true nature of the situation.

3. Embrace Modern Leadership Values: Compassion, empathy, and clear communication are what make modern leaders effective. Aim to foster these qualities in your interactions, whether you’re in a leadership position or not.

4. Protect Your Well-being: If you’re in a toxic work environment and have tried everything, consider transferring or even leaving the company. Prioritize environments that align with your values of empathy, authenticity, and respect.

5. Trust Your Instincts: If a situation is draining your energy and affecting your well-being, it’s time to reassess. Being true to yourself and making the difficult choice to leave a toxic environment can ultimately lead to a healthier, more fulfilling professional life.

New short episodes drop every other Wednesday. Erin’s 10-20 minute episodes meet you where you are - pressed for time. This is your purposeful reminder to stop, reflect and think mid-week amidst all the pulls on your energy and demands of your intellect.

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🔗 You can find The Erin Coupe Podcast on all major streaming platforms.

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Hey there,
I'm Erin Coupe.

I’m a former corporate executive who turned a journey of stress & anxiety into a life of purpose. With two decades of business acumen, self-development and deep studies in neuroscience, I help others lead authentically and thrive. In my free time, I enjoy being with my family, running, Pilates, and cooking!

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