Your wellbeing is a reflection of your mindset



My motto is: well-being is a reflection of mindset. Everything about one’s life is based on their own perspectives, no matter how limited or expansive they are. In our societal and social constructs we’ve been conditioned to believe what we’re told and to live up to others’ expectations. This conditioning has instilled in humanity a constant chase and grasping for things outside of ourselves to define and validate our worth. However, the human experience is about evolving to embody what’s in our hearts, not in the material world. The only way to do this is by looking inward, which has not been modeled nor taught historically. It requires mental, emotional, and spiritual maturity that does not just happen, but begins with a shift that resonates deep in the soul. Then the real work of unlearning and practice begins.

This shift for me came in 2017, near my 36th birthday, when I experienced what I now deem as my awakening. On paper I was living what many consider an “ideal life” - a successful corporate executive, married with two toddlers, in superb physical health. Yet, something was missing and I could never put my finger on it. Fulfillment, lasting joy, and meaning in the life I had carefully constructed… according to what society told me to do.

On that Autumn weekend night with my two kiddos just asleep and a glass of wine poured, I said aloud to my husband,


“How can this be it? There must be more to life. It can’t just be this rinse-and-repeat routine. If so, then where’s the meaning?” 

So, I looked back at the beginning and started to seek the answers…


When I was 5 years old my father woke up paralyzed from the waist down and was subsequently diagnosed with terminal lupus. In the 13 years that followed until his death my family struggled and endured my mother’s daily feat to provide for our basic needs. It was stressful, traumatic, and very painful. We lived in poverty and I was ashamed and fearful as this young girl experiencing adversity that was never ending. But, I remained strong and unwavering in my quest for a life of my own. My saving graces were my thirst for knowledge and intrinsic belief there is something far more powerful in this universe than the miracle of our mere human existence.

I went on to be the first in my entire family to go to college. For me there was just no question, even if I had to single-handedly figure out all the details. After graduation I moved to New York City where I immediately entered the corporate world. I spent the next 17+ years of my career with three global corporations in technology, finance and commercial real estate. Throughout my career there were promotions, more money, new opportunities, long stints in Asia, and a relocation to Chicago. Yet, my time in corporate America was defined by striving for recognition, seeking validation of my worth, and being more of what others expected of me.

It wasn’t until my awakening I could see clearly. I had disconnected from my own spark and spirit. The pressure to conform, to do as others had always done, to keep quiet when I yearned to speak up, manifested physiologically, but more importantly, mentally and emotionally. My light had dimmed and because of it I learned to play small. My self-esteem was impacted by my perception of what others thought of me. I became a more insecure person that compared, complained, and reacted to my surroundings. I was no longer connected with my authentic self.

Who knew that asking aloud one simple question would profoundly change my life?!


Since my awakening I’ve invested deeply in a journey of personal development and growth. This work is never finished, and it’s a vital part of my authentic, vibrant lifestyle. Some of where I have focused my energy and time:

  • Regular, deep meditation and mindfulness

  • Reading countless spiritual, metaphysical, self-development books

  • 1440 Multiversity Intuition Development course

  • Journaling my thoughts and self-discoveries

  • Master Reiki Healer Certification

  • Transformational breath work

  • Certification in Neuroscience for Business from MIT Sloan Executive Management

  • Emotional healing through energy work

  • Attending master classes in spirituality, quantum mechanics and the human psyche

  • YouFirst Leadership summit in Aspen & SimplyBE Magic Mastermind retreat in Bali

  • Client of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP),

    Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) , Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)

  • Cleansing and clearing human energetics


The changes within me were profound. I unraveled years of conditioning and gained clarity on the self-limiting beliefs I’d adopted as a perfectionist. I faced my shadows, transcended parts of my ego, and began to lead myself from my heart rather than my head. There was a lot of pain as I peeled away and healed the layers, yet on the other side of that pain was always more love, compassion and wisdom. 

My external reality has changed so much for the better. Relationships that I outgrew faded away, others strengthened, deeper new ones were developed. My corporate success was booming, and I was BEAMING. I began to channel my immense mental, emotional and spiritual growth into writing, and it was then purpose took shape. What started as blog posts began to resonate with readers and shortly after, led to corporate speaking opportunities. Every time I hit “publish” or spoke publicly, a steady surge of energy would pulse through me. I knew it was my soul’s assurance that I had found my life purpose.


“This is what I am here on earth to do. This is the MEANING to my life that I’ve been waiting for.”


You see, through my journey on reconnecting with my soul, I grew more love and gratitude for the world that shaped me. Every obstacle and challenge I faced in my professional and personal life had made me more resilient, self-disciplined and persevering. By sharing these stories, I’d uncovered my passion; to help others see past their own conditioning, to connect with and love themselves; to actualize their authentic self. I also realized that I was no longer aligned with corporate work, no matter how successful I was at it, and so I resigned from the security of an executive role to start my own company.

As founder of Authentically EC, it’s my mission to bring my unique perspectives, mental/emotional strengths, and corporate credibility to companies and their people, imbibed with empathy, vulnerability and authenticity. Whether speaking, consulting or facilitating groups, I’ve curated the most tried-and-true techniques that resonate with the human spirit and enrich human experience. Results have proven to improve attitudes, behavior and communication, as well as create more mindful, motivated people. My positive influence on today’s professionals and company cultures has established me as a widely recognized thought leader of mindful living and authentic leadership.

Your human experience can be authentically gratifying and meaningful. Join me in the journey of evolution that your soul is ready for.


This shift to a growth mindset has opened my eyes to the truth of our humanness. It has inspired me to empower others and it’s my mission to help others evolve. As humans, evolution leads to a clear mind, content body, joyous heart and empowered behavior.

Writing is one of my passions…


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